英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 14:59:45
  • 网络解释


1. 忙个不停:过动的孩子看起来总是忙个不停(on the go)或一直在动,他们冲来冲去摸或玩所有看到的东西,或是不停地说话.吃饭,上课或听故事时要他们静静坐著是有困难的,他们在座位上扭来扭去,动来动去或是起来走动,他们也可能抖脚,摸每样东西,

2. 很忙:go without 没有...... 也行 | on the go 很忙 | to go 剩下的,未完成的

3. 正在忙碌中:on the boil 正在沸腾 | on the go 正在忙碌中 | on the watch 正在监视


4. 忙个不停;活跃着:4. change one's way of life 改变某人的生活方式 | 5. on the go 忙个不停;活跃着 | 6. take out 取出

  • 临近词

There is also a mobile version for you to track your habits on the go.(它还有一个手机版本来记录你正在进行的习惯。)
It let customers check their account balances and pay bills while on the go.(该软件能够使用户在移动中查看账户余额和缴纳各种费用。)
Keeping a journal works well for some people, but many find it hard to maintain when on the go.(记日记当然是一个很好的习惯,但可能有些时候在旅途中很难坚持下来。)
I carried a repair kit12 and pump with me so I could mend tires on the go.(我随身带着修理工具和打气筒,这样我可以随时补胎。)
They like having freedom to roam as well as having things to climb as they are always on the go.(它们喜欢自由游荡,也喜欢有地方爬,因为它们总是很忙碌。)
Lapdesks and mini-stands make laptops more ergonomic on the go.(电脑桌和迷你支架让笔记本电脑在使用中更加符合人体工学。)
RedLaser’s barcode scanning technology allows users to comparison shop on the go.(RedLaser的条形码扫描技术可以方便用户在繁忙的外出购物时进行商品挑选。)
Part of the new style is to be constantly on the go.(部分新作风在持续继续表现。)
Steamed buns stuffed with meat or vegetables, known as baozi, are a popular breakfast on the go.(填充有肉馅或蔬菜馅的包子,是一种很流行的早餐食品。)
It was simple for them to have two languages on the go, all the time. Not a problem.(他们可以两种语言一直交错着用,这对他们很简单,也不是个问题。)
on the go是什么意思 on the go在线翻译 on the go什么意思 on the go的意思 on the go的翻译 on the go的解释 on the go的发音 on the go的同义词